AKBANK TURKISH SICAV was incorporated as an open-ended investment company (société d’investissement à capital variable) on 21 May 2008. Ak Asset Management was appointed as the investment manager of all of the sub-funds. Two sub-funds, Akbank Turkish SICAV Equity Fund and Akbank SICAV Turkish Fixed Income Fund, offers both individual and institutional investors a variety of capital market instruments in the Turkish market.

The utilization of local know-how and individual security selection helps to enhance the fund return and outperforms passive investing. The investment style of the fund is a combination of top down approach and spread trading. The product is suitable for medium to long term investors with higher risk appetite.


Akbank Turkish SICAV Equity Fund

  • The Equity Fund aims to beat the return of the Istanbul Stock Exchange index by investing in listed Turkish equities.
  • We believe that the Turkish market is under-researched and therefore offers numerous opportunities to exploit market inefficiencies.
  • The active top-down/bottom-up investment process used by the investment team is designed to capture opportunities across all market capitalization levels in line with Ak Asset Management’s prudent risk controls, and is supported by the extensive local expertise of the team.

Akbank Turkish SICAV Fixed Income Fund

  • Value-focused instrument seeking high total return from income and price appreciation by investing in US Dollar denominated sovereign and corporate debt securities in Turkey.
  • Fund aims to capture maximum yield and growth potential.
  • The utilization of local know-how, active duration management, curve positioning and individual security selection helps to enhance the fund return and outperforms passive investing.
  • In-depth fundamental global and Turkish economy analysis within a risk-controlled investment process is applied to utilize a value-driven approach.