Portfolio Return

Calculate Return

Select the funds for which you want to calculate the return

You can calculate the return of a single fund or you can choose more than one fund to calculate the portfolio return.

  • {{fund.investmentTime}} Day
  • {{fund.calculatedAmount}} TL
  • {{formatDecimal(fund.profit)}} TL
  • {{formatDecimal(fund.currentValue)}} TL
  • % {{formatDecimal(fund.periodicReturn)}}
  • Investment Time {{fund.investmentTime}} Gün
  • Investment Amount {{fund.calculatedAmount}} TL
  • Profit / Loss {{formatDecimal(fund.profit)}} TL
  • Present Value {{formatDecimal(fund.currentValue)}} TL
  • Periodic Return %{{formatDecimal(fund.periodicReturn)}}
Add Funds

(( 1 + Günlük Fon Getirisi ) ^ 30 - 1 ) * 365 / 30 * ( 100 - fon stopaj oranı ) / ( 100 - TL aylık mevduat stopaj oranı )